Coaching Certification
The Marcus Whitman Central School District is committed to providing quality coaching within the Athletic Department.
The New York State Education Department provides certification guidelines for coaching. These guidelines are followed by school districts to ensure the safety and well-being of the student athletes. If you are interested in coaching at the inter-scholastic level the following documents will assist you in this process.
Click on the link below to learn more about NYSED Coaching Requirements:
This checklist provides guidance for the teacher coaching certification process and non-teacher coaching certification process below.
Teacher Coaching Certification Checklist
Non Teacher Coaching Certification Checklist
First Aid/CPR/AED Requirements
NYS Accepted Coaches First Aid/CPR/AED Requirements
Section V Class Offerings for First Aid/CPR/AED - Updated regularly
Section V Class Offerings for DASA Certification - Updated regularly
Concussion Certification
NFHS Concussion Certification Course
Child Abuse & Violence Prevention
Coaching Certification Courses
Online Individual Coaching Pathway Agencies Link
Marcus Whitman Job Application - Online
Marcus Whitman Volunteer Application