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ESSA Funded Programs

Blue and Gold Paw

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Title I Schools and Program

Title I is a federally funded program through the Elementary & Secondary Act (ESEA) designed to provide support to students who are performing below grade level in reading and/or math. The goal is to emphasize high academic standards in an effort to help students succeed in the regular classroom and reach grade level performance.

What are some typical Title I services?

Marcus Whitman offer Title I programs to meet the needs of students at individual schools.  At some buildings, this may mean a ‘targeted’ program where selected students receive additional academic instruction or other types of assistance to support them in school. The majority of schools have a ‘school-wide’ Title I program which means additional services are available to address the needs of all the students at that school. Typically, services focus on providing additional help in reading and/or math instruction, but services could include social skills instruction, attendance support, health services, etc.

Do all schools have a Title I Program?

No. The Federal law requires that Title I programs are available in schools with the greatest concentration of low-income families.  Once a school qualifies, academic need – not economic status – determines the school programming and whether students receive extra instruction.  Contact your child’s school for more information about its Title I program and ask when the school’s annual Title I meeting for families will be held.

Who are Title I Students?

Typically, students identified as needing Title I services are those who are having academic difficulties or other concerns that are affecting their academic achievement in school. Usually, students’ needs are identified by their classroom teachers based on their test scores and other measures of academic performance. Those who show the greatest educational need and are not already receiving special education services are served first.

How are families involved?

  • In school-wide and targeted programs, families are invited to attend the school’s annual Title I Meeting.

  • In targeted school programs, parents are notified of their child’s eligibility for and participation in Title I.

  • Families, staff , and students may participate in the development and carrying out of a compact that spells out the goals and shared responsibilities of the child, school, and parents for student success.

  • Families are encouraged to participate in Title I meetings and learning opportunities that support student engagement, learning, and well-being.

As a parent or guardian, you have the right:

  • to know the qualifications of your child’s teacher

  • to know when your child has a substitute teacher for more than four weeks and the qualifications of the substitute teacher

  • to know how your child’s school is rated on its state test scores

  • to expect regular communication with your school in a language that you can understand

  • to work with other parents and staff to develop a school-level parent compact between the school and its families

  • to help plan how money for family involvement should be spent

  • to work with teachers, parents and the school principal to develop your school’s family involvement plan

  • to ask for a meeting with your school principal or your child’s teacher at any time