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Student Meal Accounts

Dear Parent or Guardian,

The Marcus Whitman Central School District’s Food Service Department recently evaluated many different computerized Point of Sale (POS) systems to increase the level of service and provide accurate school meal accounts.  After reviewing several systems, we are excited to announce we have purchased NUTRIKIDS® POS.  We are currently preparing to implement this new system with an expected launch date of September 18, 2017.

For the first few days our lunch lines may be a little slower, but once students familiarize themselves with this new system, they will be much faster than before.  Breakfast service will also be processed using this system.

Students will continue to use their current ID number that they have been using.  This ID number will stay with the student until he/she graduates.  If your child has qualified for free or reduced meal prices, this information will be noted in the system, and the meal will be processed just as it is for all other students, without any special indication to the students.  If you have not yet filled out a new Free & Reduced Meal Application for this school year, please do so as soon as possible.

We are also excited to offer MySchoolBucks®! This secure, online payment service provides a quick and easy way to add money to your student’s meal account using a credit/debit card or electronic check. This service allows you to deposit money directly into your child’s school meal account and view balance/purchase information for the past ninety days.  By having money in each child’s account prior to entering the cafeteria, the lunch lines will move along much faster, which gives your child more time to eat and be with friends.  You can also view recent purchases, check balances, and set-up low balance alerts for FREE!

The MySchoolBucks Online Payment Service will be available starting September 11, 2017.

MySchoolBucks provides:

  • Convenience Available 24/7 on the web or through our mobile app for your smartphone
  • Efficiency - Make payments for all your students, even if they attend different schools within the district.  Eliminate the need for your students to take money to school.
  • Control - Set low balance alerts, view account activity, recurring/automatic payments & more!
  • Flexibility - Make payments using credit/debit cards and electronic checks.
  • Security – MySchoolBucks adheres to the highest security standards.

Enrollment is easy!

  1. Go to and register for a free account.
  2. Add your students using their school name and student ID.
  3. Make a payment to your students’ accounts with your credit/debit card or electronic check.

A program fee may apply.  You will have the opportunity to review any fees and cancel if you choose, before you are charged. 

We are very excited to offer this new service and are confident that MySchoolBucks will benefit you, your child and our District. 

If you have any questions, contact MySchoolBucks directly:

Thank you,

Carla L Woolston

Food Service Manager