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Director of Technology
Bryan Lamb
Marcus Whitman Central School District
4100 Baldwin Road
Rushville, NY  14544
(585)  554-4848 ext. 1921
Senior Computer Technical Specialist
John Miller
(585)  554-4848 ext. 1323
Computer Technical Specialist
Laurie Radder
(585)  554-3115
Digital Audio Visual Technician
Annette Wolfe
(585)  554-4848 ext. 1322

Marcus Whitman Technology Plan Summary:

In order to ensure that all students have 21st Century learning experiences across all curricular areas, it is imperative that the District make the shift in pedagogy and curriculum to address the needs of learners who are native to the digital world.  With the world of facts at their fingertips, students need to be taught how to assimilate and analyze information, and work collaboratively in groups.  It is critical for students to be empowered to learn digitally, regardless of the classroom they are in.  That is, students are taught to articulate for themselves, what technological tools they need to use or benefit the learning at hand.  It requires that the district commit to providing access to devices and other tools for both teachers and students to grow digitally, so that both groups begin to speak a common language, with advanced expectations for both. Finally, it is our duty to offer modern, relevant coursework to students to prepare them for emerging careers and life in a globally connected community.

The Technology Support Office plays a vital role in providing access to devices and other tools to support curriculum and operations in an ever-changing atmosphere. It is our goal to provide prompt, professional services to support all District initiatives.