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Chromebook & Remote Learning Support

Students & Families
Please Contact the Tech Helpdesk if you need help with Chromebooks, Logging in, Schoology, etc
See the Helpful Links below

Phone: 585-554-4848 x1921

Weekdays 7am - 3:30pm or leave a message

Chromebook Handbook for Parents & Students

Check status of Apps here

Gorham, MS & HS Logging in to the Chromebook

Valley Students Logging in to the Chromebook

Logging in for ZOOM 

Quick Troubleshooting your Chromebook

Troubleshooting Sound & Microphone Issues

Schoology Common Issues 

Submitting Kami Assignments - Watch from :50 - 2:08

Schoology Instructions for Parents:

School assignments, grades and communications are all in Schoology, which is our online learning platform.  Please encourage your children to check Schoology and their school email (if they have an account), on a regular basis.  Need a parent Schoology account?  Contact Dr. Clayton Cole, 

Schoology is the website that Marcus Whitman teachers use to organize their classes and communicate with students. Assignments, course information and grades are available for both students and parents to view.

The most important information that we need to make sure a parent has access is a valid email address.  

We have a great resource page on the MWCSD website that gives parents information about accessing and utilizing Schoology.

Click on this link for information about how to access your student's Schoology account and how to navigate the website.