“More than the Golden Rule – A parents guide to preventing and responding to prejudice” PDF from Teaching Tolerance
PBS Learning Media Resources: Race, Racism, Protests, Civil Rights, Current Events, and more.
Anti-Racism Resources for all ages
Lesson Plans:
“Resources for Young Children on Race, Racism and More”
Diverse Children’s Books
10 Tips for teaching and talking to kids about race
Videos for K-5:
“Civil Rights: Then and Now” lessons split up 6-8 and 9-12
“What is Race?” Lesson for 9-12
Confronting Bias: Ethics in the Classroom Lesson plans 9-12
Who, Me? Biased?: Understanding Implicit Bias Interactive lesson plan 9-12
Understanding Peaceful Protests Lesson plan 9-12
Youth Explain Why They March in the Current Protests
A “critical conversation” with the author of White Fragility
1619 project- NYT Magazine project on examining the lasting legacy of slavery
A whole breakdown/curriculum
Understanding the “white space"
Why I’m no longer talking to White People about Race- there is an audio version available at the top of the article, if you need!