Arrival/Dismissal Plan (Valley)
Student Drop-Off
● Arrival time will be 8:45am - 9:00am, please let us know if your child will be arriving past 9 to ensure that a staff member is there to meet them.
● Parents will drive through the West parking lot and loop around to the Valley Kindergarten Wing entrance. Signs will be posted. Please see map.
● Adults will remain in their vehicle when they drop students off. Please have your child sit in the backseat of the car on the passenger side for safe exit from the vehicle to the building.
● Staff members will be escorting your child from the car to the entrance.
● Do not let your child out of the car without a staff member to greet them and escort them into the building.
● Once your child is in the building, you can proceed to the west exit to leave.
Student Pick-Up
● Dismissal will begin at 3:15 PM.
● Parents will drive through the West parking lot and loop around and park along the west side of the building (Main Office side). See map.
● Adults will remain in their vehicles for pick-up. Your child will be escorted to your vehicle by a staff member.
● Every family will receive a window sign with their child’s name and grade level on it. Each family will receive 3 copies, in order to give a card to others on your pick-up list. You will receive a sign for each child that attends Valley.
● Students will have a pick-up tag that will be attached to their backpack.
● At dismissal, teachers will release their students who are being picked up from their classroom. A staff supervisor will be with your child until they are ready to exit the building to enter your vehicle.
● Staff supervisors will have a clipboard with student names and the names of the approved adults for pick up. We will ask for a signature from the adult upon placing your child in the vehicle.
● All unexpected changes in adults picking up your child, who are not on the approved pick up list, MUST be cleared with the Valley Office ahead of time with a written note from the child’s parent/guardian. That individual MUST show identification upon pick up and have the window sign displayed in the window of their car.
● Please leave the back, passenger side available for your child to have easy access to your vehicle.
● Please practice with your child getting in the car independently and safely.
● Parents who need to pick up their child early from school (for an appointment, etc.) should call the Valley